Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lambing Begins - Day 163

Which ewe lambed first? One lambed today and these pictures are from Sunday. Just see if you can guess...

Top row: Crystal, Poa, Maggie
Bottom row: Kira, Madeleine, Edna

Well, it certainly wasn't Edna or Poa, the two I predicted would be first. And if you can believe it, the first one had triplets! No, it wasn't Crystal or Kira. Look in the center of the bottom row. Yes, Madeleine had TRIPLETS just three days after this pictures was taken. She has barely an udder and barely a barrel. This was her first lambing. It is very easy to see just why only one survived - a 5 lb ram lamb. The other two were smaller, and with today's wintery temperatures and biting winds it's a surprise that one is thriving. Mom and lamb are snuggled under a heat lamp and doing just fine.

Poa has been moved to her own private stall after an afternoon of nesting and looking quite uncomfortable. She's dropped and her udder is definitely full. Maybe there will be lambs before bed.

Wynona is actually starting to fill and may not be last this time after all.
I've re-calculated the last possible day (day 152 post ram removal) to be next Thursday. So in one week we should have the other seven ewes with lambs. This is going to be one busy week! Photos will come with the new lambs.


  1. 5 pounds seems like a tiny baby! How much do lambs normally weigh?

    1. 5 lbs isn't bad. Last year they were all around 8 lbs and we had lots of complications. I didn't feed any grain this year and we had them sheared late, so they didn't put on as much weight. Everyone is thriving so far!

  2. Lol Crystal takes after her mother who was always huge and never lambed as early as I thought she would. Sorry you lost two little ones.
