Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Gang's All Here!

Today all 73 chicks arrived in the mail. One died in transit, but the rest seem to be happily pecking food and chirping around the brooder. We have 10 New Hampshire Reds to replace some old layers and the rest are Cornish Roasters - meat birds!
Day-old chicks gather under the heat lamp.

The turkeys are getting quite large. Some of them have begun strutting and acting like big toms!

The pigs are also growing large these days. They seem to be surviving the heavy rain and flies.

And then there are the sheep...

I can't get into the field without Maddie chasing me down. Every time I look down, this is what I see
Too cute!

And then I get attacked from the other side by this little wether.
Robbie is just as friendly as his mom!

Mocha lounges with her lambs: Edna and Ram Lamb

Clover's ram lamb decided to tear off one of his horns this weekend. He seems to be fine, but he looks like he was in a brutal fight.

The prettiest ewe glows gold in the sun: Clarina.


  1. I love your pictures! Someday I hope to do what you're doing here. Do you mind if I pick your brain a bit?

    I've read that it's important to "de-bud" goats so they don't hurt each other with their horns. Does the same go for sheep?

  2. It's a shame about Clover's ram lamb and his horn, he does look like he did something drastic poor fellow, glad he's ok.

    Chicks are so much fin. I am glad that all but one arrived safely. And the pigs are looking good, they got big fast :)
