Friday, April 20, 2012

Purely Predictable...

As per usual, Wynona has to be difficult. All season I've thought, She HAS to be next. But no, of course not. Wynona is LAST to lamb. She must have quads, or the biggest twins possible. Hopefully by Sunday she'll wrap the season up so I can get some sleep.

What wasn't predictable was Kira's triplets overnight. The first one must have been mal-presented because it was buried in the hay when I arrived back at the barn at 5:30 this morning. When I left at 11, after 4 hours of labor and no progress, I just didn't know what to do for her and she seemed to be contently eating hay. I suspected something was not quite right, but since there seemed to be few options aside from me entering to "investigate" the situation, I decided I'd let nature take its course. Kira didn't seem distressed, so I trusted she'd be able to handle the situation. She had three black lambs, two ewes and one ram, all with the white "sugar lips" that signify the color gray in Shetland genetics. One of the ewes didn't make it. The other two lambs, while they seem exhausted, are eating and content.

I'll post pictures after my camera battery charges.

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