Saturday, August 7, 2010

Other Farm News

It's been a while since I've updated this blog, so here it goes...

The triplets are all grown up. They're enjoying the new fencing  in the big pasture that was completed in May, and they spend their days rock-hopping and munching on a variety of shrubs and grasses. Here they are getting some garden treats from my sister. Gus greets Penny through the new fence. 

In February the sheep were sheared and their fleece is STILL stacked high waiting for processing. This is Otto's fleece on the skirting table. We've got a lot of cleaning to do before it gets shipped off. Hopefully we'll get some of it out before Labor Day. We did get a loom last month, but now we just need to get the fleece processed to weave - and learn how to assemble the loom!

Here is Gus sitting very attentively. He still loves herding the chickens and helping with chores. He's just started working in the meat bird pen, and he's been a huge help nudging chickens out from beneath the coop at night. He's also been enjoying the company of a new friend, Supai. She's a yellow lab and the newest addition to the farm. 

The layers are still laying. From 24 birds we get about 15 eggs per day. Here is our nameless rooster. He's a Silver Spangled Humberg. This June we hatched some of our own eggs via an incubator and got some beautiful black and white birds. 
After my last posting (lambing!), we bought three piglets. Here they are about two months after we got them. They're growing quite large and enjoy rooting up their wooded lot. In October we'll have bacon!
Sheep posting coming up next...

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